Sunday, August 28, 2016

Southern Iowa Scenes......

The rolling hills are green from plenty of rain falling all summer. My dad's farm was made up of a lot of landscapes like this and he planted them with corn or beans.  Cattle grazing on the hills seems to be the only use of thie land.

Unfortunately I did not get photos of cows. Maybe I can dig into my archives and find cows on the hills for you to see.  Black angus seems to be the breed that is dominate in southern Iowa even though I have seen some of the others in the area.


Anonymous said...

It's a very pretty area. It is rather hilly here where we are. It seems that no matter where we stand in our yard, we are like billy goats holding on for dear life! lol

A Colorful World said...

It's just lovely there! Well, I'm back from my break...but will be taking a few more as the move gets closer. Hope you are having a wonderful Labor Day weekend!
