Saturday, August 13, 2016

Staying Focused Somewhat......

The last blooms of a field lily stretches out diagonally  because of all the rain making the soil too wet and the stem sag.  I saw it out there all by itself and decided to take a shot of it.  The sunshine gave it a special effects mood and the flower ended up being the only thing in focus.

The second shot surprised me as I can see that everything is in focus in this shot except for the flower. The sun's glow just messes with the automatic camera. The river birch has enjoyed our very wet summer as it has had plenty of moisture to grow easily. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love seeing your flowers and trees. We have a lot of trees on this lot that I don't recognize. That will give me a project this winter trying to figure out what they are. Your river birch is one of my favorites.
