Sunday, September 18, 2016

Gentle Bloom.....

The multi-flora keeps at least one bloom on the bush at all times.  The small buds open slowly and then emerge with all the glory that a larger rose would have. I keep cutting back the spent flowers hoping that I can just keep blooms through September into October.


Anonymous said...

I just love roses. I don't think we will try to grow them here. We did purchase a Nandina, that will give us red berries in Autumn and tiny white flowers in Spring.

Jeevan said...

Very delicate and light in colors... Roses are my favorite flowers

A Colorful World said...

So delicate and beautiful, Larry! I can almost smell its perfume!

Tropical Inside....

 As we are in the minus digits in temps today the angel fish enjoys the water that is being heated for it to keep perfectly warm.