Saturday, September 3, 2016

The Corn in Decline.......

The earlier planted cornfields are now starting to fire.  That means the stalk is dying and will be totally dead before the hard dry corn is picked. The shorter front row of corn never developed as it must have been effected by the grass spray done by the landowner.  The foreground shows a railed area of gravel for the neighbor's camper.  The tree is positioned in a fence row between corn fields.  Can you see the pole in the far background? It must be a  power line pole.


Anonymous said...

It seems like this year is flying by. I like seeing the cornfield.

I meant to ask in your other post and forgot.....does your neighbor have a green light bulb on his porch? I know last year it was suggested to burn green lights in a show of support for Veterans but hardly anyone did. John so proudly burned green light bulbs on our front porch and a few neighbors told him he was rushing Christmas! lol

Valerie said...

There's always something of interest in your posts, Larry. Living in a town environment I don't get to see much of the countryside.

Jeevan said...

The weather seems to be not friendly for the cornfields to let them wither... hope they harvest soon
