Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Wednesday's Two Shots........

The river birch that I mistakenly bought as a regular species birch is one of my favorites.  If I ever move, I will plant another.  I don't know if I can ever move between having my Minnesota birch and this one.  They can't go with me.

This birch should be turning yellow pretty soon as its leaves turn to autumn color. The leaves will be dropping too soon for me.


Jeevan said...

Like your attachment toward this tree... wish everyone hold bond with trees to see more trees flourish around.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I adore birch, and this one has beautiful bark! Please show us a picture when the leaves turn!

claude said...

Fall colors are just around the corner.

A Colorful World said...

One of my favorite things in nature are trees. I want to learn more about them, so I can identify any of them easily by bark, leaf or fruit! These are great shots of the birch!
