Monday, October 10, 2016

Bluejay Day.......

The sun shining on my window glass gave me a difficult time getting a good shot of the bluejay.  It made all of the photos that I attempted to turn gray.  I had to manipulate all of editing options to get it to look like the real colors.

This guy was moving up and down to get seed and I didn't get a great capture but it gives you the view that I saw.  There were three of the bluejays out there at the one time looking for the sunflower seeds.  They looked like younger birds as their coloring seemed to be not filled in yet.


Anonymous said...

I always enjoy seeing a variety of birds. The Blue Jays seem to be rather aggressive!

Jeevan said...

Looks so pretty and theses aren't bad shots!

Kay said...

Love the photos of the birds.

Brief Visit.....

 I haven't seen a cardinal at my feeder for a very long time. When I saw the flash of red my brain had to process what I was seeing.  I ...