Saturday, November 19, 2016

Friday's Surprise.....

I was outside Friday morning working on a last minute project.  I had some siding next to my steps that needed to be removed and replaced.  It was blowing so hard and the wind chill was amazing.  As I walk over to the shed to get a tool or piece of siding I looked up to see this. I could not believe that a morning glory would be in bloom with it being so cold and windy.

It was blowing so hard that I had to hold it still to get a shot of it. The wind did happen in gusts and I had to stand on a stepladder and wait for the wind to subside before I could take a shot.  It was really too cold for me to be working out there but I did get it done.  I finished in spite of the time I took to get the camera, step ladder and to shoot three photos.

The cold weather effected the color as it is a blue morning glory in normal weather. I was earlier thinking I should go out and harvest more seed from the vine.


Valerie said...

That's what I call dedication to a hobby. You wouldn't have caught me taking photos on such a windy day. The photograph was well worth the effort.

The Furry Gnome said...

Beautiful picture! Can't believe the bloom this late either!

Morning Clouds….

 The sun won’t be blocked by these clouds. I had to lean way over the end of the deck to get the sun in the shot. As the earth keeps tilting...