Thursday, December 1, 2016

A Different View......

Hazelnut coffee is a good different kind of coffee to drink.  I like buying some of the flavored coffees but vary them with our using regular traditional coffees. Variety comes with  the mood swing. The  painting on this mug is not a famous work of art but is a replica of what an impressionist might paint. In the old days I would post a mug weekly to share with others on one of my blogs. Life got to be too busy to continue messing with the mugs.


Betsy Brock said...

Hazelnut is my favorite! Very cute mug!

Jeevan said...

I too love to taste different flavors of coffees. The mug has nice painting...

claude said...

Beautiful mug !
I am drinking a cappuccino with caramel flavour.

Valerie said...

I haven't heard of hazelnut coffee. Seems I have missed out. I like the mug, though.

ScrappySandie said...

Yup, Hazelnut! Yum!

Anonymous said...

We occasionally splurge and buy flavored coffee. I remember fondly your posts about your mugs. You have quite a collection. Our neighbors gave us each a new mug for Christmas and John's fell out of the cabinet and broke the first day!

Spring View....

 I took the shot of the birdhouse on the pole but I got a picture of a tree instead. When the leaves form we never see the birdhouse.