Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Blue Bottle Review.....

I really did have a photo with the kitchen sink cropped out of the picture.  With my new system with google controlling my photos I keep having trouble getting the photos downloaded.  I download ok but not all of my pictures get selected and put in the google stash.  I am learning to live with it but where is the photo where I chopped that faucet off the bottom of the shot ? I really should not have to go back twice to be sure that all has made it to the intended file.  


Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Beautiful blue bottles. I collect really old ones if I can find them reasonably cheap. I don't upload my photos to google, soo I can't help there. Of course google takes my photos after I upload them...and I can't figure out how to stop that. I guess they have to be stored somewhere.

Betsy Brock said...

Love the bottles! I have a collection of blue ones, too!

The Furry Gnome said...

Oh, I love that blue glass!

Anonymous said...

Love the blue bottles.

I have a few pieces of cranberry glass that John gave me shortly after we married. I got them out recently to display and enjoy.


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