Sunday, December 18, 2016


The  replica diesel engine of the smaller scaled train is colorful with the red and grey markings.  I like the railings that are there depicted just like the  ones on the real engine so the engineer can check out the train without falling off the machine.

The caboose for this engine is fancy with great colors. When researching the purpose of a caboose, I found that it was there to check on the loads in front of it that were being carried by the train.  Also the crew of the train would seek shelter on the caboose while one man was in charge of communicating to the engineer of the status of the shipping cars.  Now that I shared that, it makes me wonder if a passenger train ever had a caboose.  My answer is probably that there was no need for a caboose.


Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I don't know about a passenger train having a caboose..but then I am have never seen a passenger train. We have lots and lots of trains running through our nearby towns that carry wood and other cargo. I remember taking my first graders to see a huge room full of these little trains- an entire station and all kinds of cool extra kids loved it.

Linda said...

Hmmmmm....we have commuter trains here in Montreal but I don't recall seeing a caboose at the end of any of them. Nice photos, Larry!

Jeevan said...

Your angle of shoot is excellent and produces wonderful perspective on the engine


 The hardy geranium doesn't look so hardy right now. It does love the downstairs spare bedroom window and leans towards the light happil...