Monday, January 16, 2017

Ice Coated Landscape.....

I had to walk Barney this morning as he could not maneuver the back yard steps.  We walked on the crunchy grass only and crossed the sidewalks with great care.  HIs dog brain still wanted to cross the street to the neighbors but he doesn't know we would have to be wearing ice skates to be on that surface.

As I write this, we now have a lot of rainwater sitting on top of the ice.  The ground temperatures are keeping the ice in tact and the water probably won't freeze until later today when the temperatures drop.  Everything is shut down and yet my neighbor took off for her job at the neighboring town's grocery store.  I could sort of hear her scrapping the ice off her windshield while I was partially asleep. I did see the town trucks go by dumping a lot of sand on the road's surface.


troutbirder said...

Lots of sleet and ice here today also. With my vertigo Lily gets to do her business in the woods on here own. I wait inside the basement door to call she back in. No dawdling on here part. She is our first genuine "house dog."...:)

The Furry Gnome said...

I think that mess is headed our way!

Valerie said...

Oh my goodness I don't envy you all that ice. I guess you are used to it but I don't think I would like it. We had one day of heavy snow which by the second day had completely disappeared. There is warmth in the air now which makes me look forward to Spring.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

All we've gotten so far is rain- and not much of that. Not complaining though- I don't want ice!


 The hardy geranium doesn't look so hardy right now. It does love the downstairs spare bedroom window and leans towards the light happil...