Monday, January 9, 2017

Mixed Reviews........

"It is what it is" was a set of words that I heard all weekend.  Our minister included those words in his sermon many times and for some reason I was hearing it on PBS shows.  These two guys have been playing statue all of their lives. The table was an old washstand table from a household probably a hundred years ago.  I like the construction of it and it works well for being outside with out fear of it being ruined.  Someday I may put a stain finish on it and seal it for inside use, but for now it just is what it is.


Anonymous said...

I like that table and the photo with the statues.
I hear that phrase often myself. An old college girlfriend came to visit recently and kept saying that!

Jeevan said...

Sounds pretty strong table, and both seems to take comfort seating :)

claude said...

I love angels too. The last a friend gave is a led angel. I'll show it on my blog.
