Thursday, January 26, 2017

New Seed.......

I sometimes put out fresh birdseed and have to wait for a long time for birds to discover that it is there. Today, with snow coverning all surfaces out there, the birds came in rapidly looking for food. The mourning dove was one of the first to hit the table feeder.

I am sharing the dove from the back view as it does give a lot of detail of the color markings on its body. The gray with white borders on the wings make a wonderful pattern when its wings are folded back.  I was able to use my camera through the window today as there is a lot of light reflection off of the snow. I suspect that I should be able to get a lot of shots of birds today as the snowfall limits the birds from finding food in the natural world.


Karen said...

I think the sound the dove makes is comforting. You have the perfect place for a bird feeder.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful dove photos. Bless you for feeding the birds during the snow.

Jeevan said...

Beautiful capture and seems its time for bird watching around the feeder...
