Friday, February 10, 2017

Directly on Site......

As I work on the remodel I find myself without just the right size of nail.  A finishing nail really can not substitute for a good strong nail. As I venture out to the garden shed, I found things from my dad's garage. The coffee can of old was filled with the right size of nails but they were textured to keep them from rising up from the sub flooring.  I still used them as they worked and held things together.

A question that came to mind was how long would this coffee last with it being this size of can.  Did percolators take less coffee grounds because of how the process worked?  I would use this can up pretty fast in my modern world of coffee making.

Another visual of the jar that held long spike nails.  I didn't need them but there were some smaller ones stored in there with them that I needed to use. I am not so sure the Mrs. Clark's jar is so old but my mom must have liked that kind of salad dressing. Both items are setting among my mess of the job site. There is no need to keep things neat as it is a work site.


Anonymous said...

John has all kinds of cans/jars filled with nails, screws, etc. He is the "go to man" in the neighborhood when someone needs a nail! lol

Cranberry Morning said...

Yeah, that coffee can must have been for people who only make coffee when the company comes. LOL Definitely wouldn't last long around here.

Valerie said...

I tend to save boxes and tins on a just-in-case basis since I can't bear the thought of losing anything that isn't 'stored' properly.
