Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Leaning Tower of Birds..........

The better birds of color kept coming and going but I did get some shots of sparrows.  The squirrel in the background is creeping up on the corn feeder nearby at the fence post.


Anonymous said...

You are so kind to feed the animals. Sweet photo.

We have a lot of squirrels in our yard. They are fun to watch and Theo has a window where he can keep lookout!

Betsy Brock said...

Looks like a popular spot!

Valerie said...

You can trust the squirrel not to be left out where food is concerned.

Jeevan said...

Seems your feeder is busy with birds! Good to see all get fed

Color Blends.....

 Thursday morning glow of the start of the day is seen with all these blended colors.Leaves are not started to bud yet but soon the view wil...