Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Flowers from the Farm......

As we return to our old farmhouse that is in town, we feel like we really were from a farm. Our old community is surrounded by farm land and there are cattle on the edge of town in which new calves have been born.

The flowers are from the farm.  Here  with the tulips is included the apple blossoms from the one of three apple trees.   I am going to have to do the first mowing up there tomorrow.  My mower at the garden shed is waiting for me to get started.  The towns ditch along the road has grown up  with a lot of weeds so there is a lot to be attended to now. I mow in the city on Saturdays and will mow on Wednesdays at the farm.


claude said...

Very pretty.
Bluebelles are beautiful too. I love blue flowers.

troutbirder said...

Your flowers are well ahead of us here. A bumper crop of bloodroot and hepatica though....:)

Valerie said...

Love the tulips. Sounds as though you have a lot of mowing to do.

Candid Camera.....

 A  wreath that is due to come down.  I don't see it usually as it is on the back side of the door. I will disappear soon to storage.