Wednesday, May 3, 2017

House Finch.....

The house finch is a gift from England.  It apparently wanted to find new lands to expand its kind.  They are a great addition to our bird world. They do battle with the goldfinches to get to the seed sock. It is not unusual to see both goldfinch and house finches hanging from the feeder at the same time.


Jeevan said...

Everyone has the right of share and space to exists. Enjoy see him around

Karen said...

I like that feeder. We have lots of goldfinches here. I read that they like dandelions and we have plenty!

claude said...

Our finches are not the same.

Caroline Gill said...

How curious, Larry. How did the 'English escapees' reach your shores, I wonder? We have quite a few Goldfinches here these days. Sadly our Greenfinches were badly affected by a disease and numbers have plummeted. Chaffinches are fairly plentiful, and I am seeing more beautiful cherry coloured Bullfinches, perhaps due to more ecological farming methods. They love to feed on blossom trees. Thank you for your comment over at W&W.

Anonymous said...

Such a pretty photo. Have a nice day.

Dianna said...

We have a good many finch here, but I didn't know about this sock feeder for them. I'm going to need to look around for one later on today.


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