Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Color Combo Questions.......

The previous owner placed the primrose all around the bases of seven peonies.  It looks good at a distance but the two colors seem to not blend very well. I am not going to change anything in that flower bed though. I am busy deadheading the peonies as needed so they don't shed all over the neighbor's yard.  The primrose will be around a lot longer than the peonies so it will be just a yellow flower bed then..


Jeevan said...

I agree with you, the color combo doesn’t work well! But both are beautiful flowers

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I guess to each his own- I just love bright pretty flowers. I would probably not be able to make a good landscape artist! Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Not a favorite color combo, but we have a theory - if it is thriving and doing well....leave it alone! lol

troutbirder said...

Your right though my eye for color combinations is sadly lacking as my spouse regularly points out about my attire....

Karen said...

I really like the contrast, but I like all bright colors mixed together!


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