Tuesday, June 27, 2017


This is one of my favorite flowers to photograph.  It was not a popular plant when I was a kid growing up.  The back to nature movement brought out natural prairie plants into the market and now we have different colors of them. The front garden has the two colors and the above photo is now also planted in the back yard.  I need to invest in a red one this fall.

The white one is stunning in its form and color.  I have never had a white coneflower before and am glad to watch it bloom.


Cranberry Morning said...

I love cone flowers, Larry, and can't seem to get them to stay alive for two seasons. :-( So pretty though. Rudbeckia, on the other hand, thrive and spread like crazy!

ScrappySandie said...

Hi Larry! These cone flowers ARE lovely...I didn't know they came in white or red. I'd love to see a red one! I tried to buy a cone flower plant years ago and bought a plant marked as one but when it bloomed it was really a black-eyed Susan plant...so disappointing. Love all your flower close-ups! Thanks for sharing!

Betsy Brock said...

Very pretty! I have some pink ones this year~

claude said...

Pretty flowers.
I love your little angel on the bench.

Anonymous said...

Truly beautiful photos of these fine flowers.


I  It is a cold start for the day but the promise of sun and southerly winds will change things outside a lot.