Friday, June 16, 2017

Junkyard "Feng Shui".....

A junky natural looking workshop area in my basement reveals the need for organization.  I have yet to get a pegboard up to handle the tools.  I have a monster load of toys that need to be tamed.  Taming means throwing some of them away and storing the rest in bins for later use. The cedar wood lamp has a great story behind it but not today.  It also has a layer of dirt on it that will be removed and everything will shine with some polish.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It takes months after a move, to get things organized and put away. John has one area in our basement with peg boards for a collection of tools from his dad, my dad and my brother!
We also have a "cat room" where the cats stay during the night. There is always plenty to clean in a basement!

Red and Green....