Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Fluffy Power........

The photographs of zinnias seem to always turn out no matter what angle that they are taken. I can still get unfocused shots of course. I am still battling the Japanese beetles but the numbers have slowed down. The person who told me that there season was almost done, was wrong when they said that three weeks ago.   The rows are getting too tall and it makes it hard to water them daily.


troutbirder said...

Beautiful zinnia. Here the adult corn rootworm beetle razes havoc with many of my flowers. I don't like to use this word but I hate them....:(

Jeevan said...

Great blooms! Zinnias are pretty however they look so… I have seen these flowers mostly bloom in mild cold regions of mountains here

Ginny Hartzler said...

These are YOURS, in your yard? Wow, they are gorgeous!!!! I love the colors! I had no idea you have such a lovely garden.

Informal Planting.

 Peonies crowd the iris as the gardener’s placement of flowers seems haphazard.