Monday, August 28, 2017

Seeing Green......

I really don't know how many hummingbirds that I have but this one green female is easy to identify from all of the others.  I have two, maybe three that are brown.  I have seen a  male with the red band on its neck only once.  As the feeder is a popular place for them only a couple are willing to share the feeder at the same time.  Others are very sensitive to sharing the feeder and spend most of their time chasing others away from the sweet nectar.


Anonymous said...

This is a terrific picture, Larry. When we sit on the porch, we usually see a few hummers feeding on the Lantana plants. We can not see them very well, so I really love your closeup photo. Today is the first cool day we have had. We have clouds and a great breeze today. Hope you both are having a nice day.

George said...

This is a great shot of the hummingbird.

Informal Planting.

 Peonies crowd the iris as the gardener’s placement of flowers seems haphazard.