Wednesday, September 20, 2017


I have never shared a shot of lavender as I have never succeed in growing it.  The former owners have it growing among the peony bushes. It blooms later in the summer and looks like a weed until the flowers start to show. I remained patient with the plant, not really knowing what it was. I now know that next spring I should let this plant grow.

Barney was out laying in the grass near here so I took the time to pick a few stems of it. Barney was enjoying the weather and sniffing the air and I just let him have some time outside. I am sure he  could smell the lavender too.


Ginny Hartzler said...

What a sweet bouquet! The lavender around here blooms in May, but I know there are different varieties. A nearby lavender farm even has white lavender!

Anonymous said...

Lavender is one of my favorite plants. My mother loved lavender sachets. We did not have success this summer trying to grow lavender here in our "new" yard. Blessings to you this weekend.

Architecture with Frosting....