Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Mile Long Bridge.......

The mile long bridge that crosses Lake Saylorville can be seen here while I am trying to take pictures of a flock of swans.  I didn't get a good picture as I had my wife's cell phone and the sun was so bright that I could not see what I was photographing. I cross this bridge in early morning to go to the old house.  Pelicans and sea gulls seem to be migrating at this time also and I never know what to expect next as I go to work.

Looking to the north, this is what I could see. The white feathers are all you can see when you look at the tip of the extending land form. It looks like a bank of snow along the lake,  When I returned at noon, the flock here and the one across the lake were all gone. I don't think they went to any other part of the lake but probably now have left the area.


Jeevan said...

Not a bad compo despite the bright sun and nice perspective on both images!

Ginny Hartzler said...

What a gorgeous trip you have! Yes, to me, all the feathers look like white sand.

Karen said...

Beautiful photo. The Clark Bridge I cross from Indiana to Louisville is a little over a mile long.

claude said...

Nice trip !
in south of France

Anonymous said...

Pretty drive you have.

The Furry Gnome said...

That's quite the bridge!

Tropical Inside....

 As we are in the minus digits in temps today the angel fish enjoys the water that is being heated for it to keep perfectly warm.