Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Mile Long Bridge.......

The mile long bridge that crosses Lake Saylorville can be seen here while I am trying to take pictures of a flock of swans.  I didn't get a good picture as I had my wife's cell phone and the sun was so bright that I could not see what I was photographing. I cross this bridge in early morning to go to the old house.  Pelicans and sea gulls seem to be migrating at this time also and I never know what to expect next as I go to work.

Looking to the north, this is what I could see. The white feathers are all you can see when you look at the tip of the extending land form. It looks like a bank of snow along the lake,  When I returned at noon, the flock here and the one across the lake were all gone. I don't think they went to any other part of the lake but probably now have left the area.


Jeevan said...

Not a bad compo despite the bright sun and nice perspective on both images!

Ginny Hartzler said...

What a gorgeous trip you have! Yes, to me, all the feathers look like white sand.

Karen said...

Beautiful photo. The Clark Bridge I cross from Indiana to Louisville is a little over a mile long.

claude said...

Nice trip !
in south of France

Anonymous said...

Pretty drive you have.

The Furry Gnome said...

That's quite the bridge!

Down the Way....

 The air is crisp at -7 degrees F./-21.6 C. and the sun still shines. I enjoy living along this road with the curve headed to our direction ...