Saturday, September 23, 2017

Morning surprise with glories.....

The window box was planted with new seed three months ago.  I   kept waiting for the seed to germinate. It did not.  I replanted last month with some seed that I had collected last fall from the old place. It took three weeks to germinate as we had harsh hot weather.  I have been watching the vines, thinking I will never see blooms. Yesterday I shot this bud while I went down the deck stairs.

To my surprise this morning there were three blooms open at the same time. The color is a far cry from the original blue morning-glories that I had planted a long time ago.

I normally would have only shown this one shot for Photo a Day, but I thought the story needed to be illustrated with the other to photos. It is nice to have something new to watch while going through the fall season.

1 comment:

Jeevan said...

Pretty and sweet surprise bloom! I think morning glories turn pink only at later stage of bloom

Tropical Inside....

 As we are in the minus digits in temps today the angel fish enjoys the water that is being heated for it to keep perfectly warm.