Thursday, September 28, 2017

Rainwater Collection.....

After the harvest of the pumpkins, I piled them on the patio under the deck. The two put in the enameled bucket can be seen here.  With a rain of two and a half inches the bucket collected a lot of rain and overflowed. The large pumpkin does displace a lot water but it still seemed unusual to see.

My unplanned fall display sits there yet today with only my neighbors in the backyard to see it. My dad's windmill ornament has a new base but I have been too busy to replace lathe boards and rework the top. I won't put windmill blades on it and may try to make a birdhouse on the top.  I do think birds won't nest in something that low in height.


Christine said...

Looks like you had a lot of rain and those pumpkins are great!

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed your photos and project tonight. The pumpkins are really colorful.

claude said...

No pumpkins in my garden and at this time no rain. May be tomorrow.
Pretty color of the pumpkins.
Have a nice week-end, Larry !

Karen said...

Your orange pumpkins add a cheerful touch!

Jeevan said...

The pumpkins look delicious, fresh and yummy! It really looks like birdhouse rather windmill. Cool clicks

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