Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Free Flight.....

I found the pelicans congregating below the bridge again. I had my point and shoot and did get a few good photos from the thirty or more that I took. When I drove down to the boat launch the birds were on the ground and they were in large numbers soaring in that cold northerly breeze They float on the air using very little energy as they float around without a care. I didn't dream that I would get this shot but as soon as I had seen the moon I knew I wanted it in one of my shots.

Above is my very best shot of them in flight. I really don't have any control with the point and shoot as long as I am standing in bright sunlight. My dirty lens shows up in my every photo.  I couldn't crop it out without loosing a perfectly good sea gull. My camera is a very good Olympus camera.  It just doesn't work in the conditions I previously described.


L. D. said...

I see that my lens is really dirty. Also I just noticed that one bird in the distance looks like it is next to the moon.

Jeevan said...

My first camera is Olympus and as a point and shoot user I could understand the way these are composed. Really well done with the shots! Love the moon presence

The Furry Gnome said...

Great pix if you ask me!

CountryMum said...

Great photos. Greetings from Australia. I have enjoyed seeing your photos.

Jack Frost......

 When it is -14 degrees outside the frost has to form.  Between the heat inside and the double pane window outside, the minimal amount of mo...