Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Harvest Time.....

The birds and squirrels were helping themselves too aggressively so I had to cut off the heads of these three. I will feed them to the birds this winter but I almost didn't get them cut down soon enough. The sunflower is one of many living things on earth that a display the "the golden ratio".

The divine creation has used this in many ways with plants, animals, and humans. Our ear is based on this golden ratio. I am going out on a limb and state that I think zinnia flowers are also arranged in this perfect ratio. There are many more things that I really don't know about but I really have not spent much time researching the topic.  My wife was reading about it early this summer.  I remember being asked about it as a young art teacher by a math teacher and I only had seen the illustration of it in an art history text. I can see how mathematicians would have fun with it.

The flowering parts that help to make the seeds of the sunflower are also in that same patterned ratio.

1 comment:

Caroline Gill said...

A lovely post, Larry. And yes, we did golden ratio (is it sometimes called golden triangle?) in art classes. I always think of the chambered nautilus. Creation has many wonderful secrets for the sharing! Happy harvest... and thank you for your kind comments.


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