Sunday, October 1, 2017


A Writing Spider
This is a bigger than life photo of the yellow and black spider.  When I was a kid helping walking corn rows to cut out large weeds, I would see these.  They would spin a web from corn row to corn row,. This  required one to use the corn knife to take down it down so you could walk through. I don't know the name of it but someone out there does know. They are common in Iowa but never expected it to be in my zinnias.

Here are two flowers to look at if you don't like spiders. I watered the zinnias last evening and picked a new bouquet. So maybe the spider will have someplace to live for a little longer.


Anonymous said...

I see these in our flowers too. I always laugh this time of the year at the stores that sell "fake spiderwebs!" I have plenty of real ones!!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I will sure stay away from zinnias from now on!! Someone on a blog showed this spider and identified it, but I can't remember. i will try to find it and let you know if I do.

Jeevan said...

Superb capture but I am bit scared of spiders. I admire how they weave nets and like capturing to. Lovely zinnias

Betsy Brock said...

They are called a writing spider because it looks like they have written a message in their webs! They are huge, aren't they? Very fun.

Mourning Dove.....

 It is cold and the dove chose to just sit on the feeder.  It is a place out of the wind chilled air.