Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Into the Woods......

Real Canada geese do not allow snow to build up on their backs. It is too cold for me to walk across the backyard to brush it off. We have a lot of geese that winter over here in Iowa. The tend to stay in large groups in parts of the lake where it is out of the wind. The places where their might be a small amount of open water is best but I doubt we have that anymore with these temps.


Cranberry Morning said...

So nice, Larry! Especially love that train! but then I kinda have always loved trains. I hope you and yours had a blessed Christmas.

Ginny Hartzler said...

We have a lot of Canada Geese here, too. They sleep by floating on pond water with lookouts taking turns. They stay all year round. Many around here have these goose statues in their yard, and at first I always think they are real!

claude said...

I saw some of them in Yellowstone Park and over here in France.
I love your post Merry Christimas.

Brief Visit.....

 I haven't seen a cardinal at my feeder for a very long time. When I saw the flash of red my brain had to process what I was seeing.  I ...