Monday, December 18, 2017

Sparkle and Glow.....

The colors of the season do blend into a typical Christmas glow.  The blues on the tree seem to be show up as black in this photo. We did get the tree up early enough to have a long period of time to enjoy it.  We usually take the trees down slowly so it isn't unusual to still see Christmas in January at our house.


The Furry Gnome said...

Beautiful tree!

Valerie said...

It is one of the prettiest Christmas trees I have ever seen.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely beautiful tree. I imagine that you have a lot of cars and walkers to slow down to enjoy your pretty decor. Catching up with you after returning from a blog break. I hope you both will have a very nice week before Christmas.

Jeevan said...

Loved your christmas tree and good to go earlier to enjoy the dazziling tree! I'm yet to decorate my tree


 The sedum opens all the little flowers to create globes of color. The foliage is healthy this year and has a great contrasting green color ...