Tuesday, February 20, 2018

We Have Ice......

Around midnight the rains came and the temperatures dropped to freezing. It is not the worse ice storm I have experienced but I won’t be walking freely down the drive or on the sidewalk today.  The ice did close down most of the schools in our area.  By the time the ice starts to thaw school would be starting at noon. The sparrow really did have a little trouble with the ice on the rail even with those claws. The bird feeders are partially frozen over so the birds are just checking things out more than eating. I creeped out on the patio and placed a tray of seed on the table that is not frozen over.  I am awaiting for them to figure it out that it is there.


claude said...

We will got ice this week with very low temperature. Your previous sky is very beautiful.

Dianna said...

How kind of you to put out that tray of food for the birds because of the feeder being partially frozen over.


 The hardy geranium doesn't look so hardy right now. It does love the downstairs spare bedroom window and leans towards the light happil...