Monday, March 12, 2018

Monday’s Feeders.....

I was so disappointed that I didn’t get any goldfinches right away when I put out the seed sock.  The house finches yesterday gave me a show as the pair started eating off of the sock.  If I go back into my archive I can see that the goldfinches do eventually come to feed here. I remember  them  last year bringing all of those that they had hatched. They all came to eat. When they all start to come I am ready to put up a second sock. Our new place has given me a better opportunity to enjoy this kind of bird as our windows are so close to them.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Wonderful and clear close up!!

Karen said...

They did put on a show for the camera. I remember your crowd of gold finches from last year. They love the pear trees and dandelions here.

Dianna said...

We've not put out our sock feeder yet. I remember how much I enjoyed the Goldfinches visiting last year and look forward to it again this summer. My husband hangs the sock in the backyard at a location that I can view from our kitchen window. Great entertainment while I do up the dishes! :-)

Jeevan said...

Lovely capture on the goldfinches! Hope many visit the feeder


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