Thursday, March 1, 2018

Snow Geese Surprise.......

Focus would not have ever happened as I was two farm fields away from this huge flock of migrating snow geese. I was traveling to the old place to get the mail and check on the house when I could not believe what I was seeing.  I had heard that snows were migrating through central Iowa. I saw a large flock of them flying over our house earlier in the week.

When a large truck would drive by sections of the thousands of birds would rise up and then resettle again. I have never seen the snows and blues migrate through central Iowa over the 42 years that I have lived here.

This area was a fourth of the whole distance that they were spread across that farm valley.  I knew that I was just too far away from them to get a good shot but I did get some impressions of what I saw. At one time I was standing on the back bumper of the truck, parked along the four lane highway, shooting as traffic passed.  I have more photos than I can share.  I went home by the Lake Saylorville and saw trumpeter swans, eagles and some small black ducks.

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