Sunday, April 15, 2018

Snowing in April......

The female cardinal seemed a little bit frustrated as the feeders were covered with snow.  I finally slide my door open and threw out handfuls of birdseed  on top of the snow.  If they feed on it fast enough it won’t get buried and I can throw out more throughout the day.

One out of three of my photos were actually in focus. I was glad to get the one good one but I would think that all of them could have focused.  I guess I was doing panic shooting because I was certain she wouldn’t stay there very long.

It is standing room only as this is the only feeder that is staying open through our snowstorm.  I know it snows in April but tornadoes, winds of  70 miles per hour and then sleet off and on makes for a strange spring. I noticed last night that our strong winds had moved my gas grill over towards the stairs of the deck. The direction of the wind kept the grill from going down the deck steps as it sat on the ledge of the top step. It was diagonally wedged in the corner of the deck railing and fortunately the wind did not change direction.

So now with the weather, my geese are sporting snow coats again and the blue spruce is ready to be put on a Christmas card.

We will still run in to church today as we each have a class to teach. I have a birthday girl in the house and we will eat lunch  somewhere.  The special birthday meal she gets tomorrow night. We go to a special place that has great prime rib. We do have cake ready to go for this afternoon.

Thank you for stopping by today.


Karen said...

I very much enjoyed your pics and I sure your guests were thankful! Happy Birthday Della. Have a wonderful day.

ScrappySandie said...

Hi Larry! And Birthday Greetings to Della! I love your close-up photos of the birds that visit your yard. Such good detail and color! We have more snow here in Michigan too...but Spring WILL come! That's what God promised.

Jeevan said...

Really cool shots on birds and while we experience scorching summer, it’s wonderful to see u still experience snow and cold weather.
