Friday, May 11, 2018

Apple Blossoms.........

The old apple trees in my yard were covered with blooms when I visited on Tuesday.  The oldest tree had so many blooms on it at the top that it looked like snow on the top of the tree.  I don’t think I have ever seen it put out that many blooms. Our freezing temps in April did cause everything to be late this year so the tree must have had a lot of energy pushing through its roots and branches.


Anonymous said...

It is very pretty. Thanks for sharing with us. I wish you both a lovely day.

Jeevan said...

First time seeing the apple blossoms! So pretty in white to give u snowy look


 It’s a plant that takes care of itself. I plant small sprigs of it and look at it now. I also see the weeds but I don’t stay home long enou...