Monday, May 7, 2018

Ready for Display.....

The locust tree in the front yard has started to unfold its leaves. It is a stark-looking tree with bare branches but once the locust foliage is revealed it has a great look.  The foliage looks more like a fern leaf than just a plain single leaf.


Anonymous said...

Good Morning, I just googled a photo of the locust leaves. Very nice. That will be gorgeous in your yard. Hope you have a very nice day.

L. D. said...

You made me to be curious so I looked them up too. I didn’t realize there were so many different varieties. They look similar but not exactly the same. Our old trees on the farm had large thorns on them that dug deep when we stepped on them with bare feet.


 It’s a plant that takes care of itself. I plant small sprigs of it and look at it now. I also see the weeds but I don’t stay home long enou...