Sunday, June 17, 2018

Hosta World.......

I have brought many of my hosta plants to the new place.  I really don’t remember the names of the different varieties.  I did look though a garden book at the bookstore and found that I have every one of them that they described in the book.  I did not consciously collect them but I kept buying through the years ones that I didn’t have. One that I have was called “Sum and Substance” . I discovered by moving it around that when its growing conditions are perfect that it will put out very large leaves. I had the plant for a lot of years and it stayed small.  Once I had moved it into more sun and more space it exploded in size. It is so easy to dig and plant that I will take a survey one more time to be sure that I have moved all of them.

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Silver Maple....

 I like capturing shots of the old silver maple that is down the street and one over from our place. The sun glow of the sunset turns it int...