Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Tiger Power....

The everlasting tiger lily is putting out blooms. At the farm it may have bloomed once or twice during its stay in the shade. I had it for a lot of years but most times it never budded.  I moved the bulb down to the new home,  It was rarely in bloom at the time.  Since it had bloomed I moved it.   This year I have a second stem that is going to bloom.  I always think of my first time seeing this kind of lily at my grandmother’s farm house.  Her iris bed was crowded and had lots to water grass growing among them.  Out of the middle of the row is a tiger lily putting out orange blooms like a rose amounts throne.

1 comment:

Dianna said...

Lovely. My grandmother had a lot of Tiger Lilies in her flower garden. That is something I should try adding to one of my perennial beds.

Sorry to have missed the last couple of days checking in. Hubby had his first eye surgery yesterday so I'm playing a bit of catch-up today.

Snow Falling Today.....