Monday, October 1, 2018

The Gold Report........

Some goldfinch do not migrate so much in our state.  They do turn color and head to the fields for all the seed that is out there. Research tells me that they have irregular migration. Some choose to stay in the north if the food supply stays strong.  During the spring they are more apt to come to the feeders as winters dead plants are sparse to have any seed. These two showed up Sunday afternoon surprising me to see they wanted the new seed in the feeder. They have not been at the feeder for the past few weeks.

They have shed their gold feathers with only a hint of color on their heads. I can’t tell the young ones from the adults anymore as they are all the same size.

1 comment:

Jeevan said...

Lovely capture on the faded goldfinches but I do love the transformation nature bestow on the.


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