Friday, December 28, 2018

Colors with Shine.......

The amaryllis sits in a beautiful red metal pot.  That sits in a glass bowl to keep me from destroying the dining room table accidentally.  The old, weathered glass Christmas balls help to decorate the bowl and pot. The photo turned out great with all the reflective color.

The amaryllis has a week or so to go with those last three blooms on the stem.  I have cut off two blooms and another will be clipped off today.


Laurel Wood said...

Beautiful flower and creative photos. I miss having indoor plants due to the cats.

Ginny Hartzler said...

A beautiful shiny picture! You captured it perfectly! The balls look new, even though they are not. The amaryllis is beautiful!

Jeevan said...

This truly decor the dining table and cheerful in colors!
