Sunday, December 30, 2018

You have to decide to get on......

The toys trains of Christmas have given great joy to children for years.  Those models of trains that we remember depend on when you’re born.  An old engine like this would go through our small town of Murray and the smoke would spew all over the area as cars waited to cross the track.  Once in a while one could see a Hobo sitting on the top of one of the cars letting the air blow through him to cool him off.  An older train, pictured below, would not be around for me to see.  It was before my time.


Laurel Wood said...

Good Morning, It is so nice the way you have your trains displayed. Fun memories you've shared from younger days in Murray. Our small town did not have a train. Brother Larry often ordered accessories for his rockets and grandpa would drive him to the train station in a neighboring town. Wishing both of you a blessed day.

Jeevan said...

Should be interesting watching these trains and engines passing in real and you should be glad to do it in your young days! Liked these replica
