Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Inside/Outside and all around............

Happy 2019 to you all.  Looking out with this view this morning,  you can see there is very little snow.  I do know that you can’t see how cold it is out there.  Taking the dog outside this morning meant many layers of clothes to stay warm.  I can imagine this scene as a Sesame Street  episode with the different ways to compare the two trees. Finding the similarities and differences would challenge young children.  I truly would like to decorate that outside tree but it is too tall to allow me to put lights on it. It certainly and inside/outside theme for the first shot of the new year.


Laurel Wood said...

Such a gorgeous shot. I know it's hard to make yourself go out with such frigid temps. We've had some very cold/windy days but today is almost "spring" like. Happy New Year to you both.

claude said...

Your Christmas tree is very beautiful.
