Sunday, January 13, 2019

New, Old Decoration.....

This is a ceramic piece that has been held in exile in our old house’s basement.  We have not displayed it for years and now that it is in the new house I pulled it out of the box. It is a beautiful piece.  It looks better than the illustration shown on the outside of box. That may be why I never bothered to bring it out at Christmas time. The piece is a cast piece of ceramics with a hollow area behind it to hold the light. The line detail of gold ceramic paint does make it more interesting. The star shapes are funny to see as I know that they took a clay knife tool and free hand cut them out.  They are in the back too, helping to allow the heat from the light to leave the piece. I like how color is created by the light shining through the translucent clay piece.


Laurel Wood said...

It is a beautiful piece. I wish you both a nice start to the week.

Dianna said...

That is beautiful, L.D.! Is it by any chance a Lenox piece?


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