Wednesday, February 6, 2019


This is a photo from my past blog in 2017.  Everything is sitting on the dining room table with a small Christmas tree. The train was displayed around the tree. This is at the old place and  we didn’t have a thought of moving at that point of time. Five days after that Christmas we did have a bid on a newer home.


Laurel Wood said...

Hi, The vases are so pretty. I love the train around the base of the tree. I am so glad that you two are enjoying your new home and being closer to church. Have a blessed day.

Lisa said...

Those vases are lovely. I think that red one at least must be quite old. It looks like one my mother had that my oldest brother won her at a fair. It was etched there with something like "To Mom, love..."
That had to have been a long time ago! They don't have nice prices like that, or personalize them now.

Karen said...

Glad you are settled in your new home. I love the colored glass vases.

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