Saturday, February 23, 2019

Branching Out.....

An ornamental tree that blooms in spring.  It is filled with many small branches all over the tree that put out a small fruit after the tree blooms. The tree is from the family of the Bradford pear but it is another variety that puts out the little apples.  I am thinking when the people planted them back in 2003 that they picked out the tree because it had the same white blooms as the Brandford.


Laurel Wood said...

It's a beautifully shaped tree. Nice to see your blue sky too. Is the home across from you still vacant?

CountryMum said...

So much snow! Glorious... but a little cold I think.

Karen said...

I know it will be beautiful in full bloom. I am looking forward to the pear trees here once again.

Antique Acorn.....