Monday, February 25, 2019

Strong Winds on Sunday......

The blizzard winds blew strong and this little bird has ruffled feathers.  I have seen birds with windblown feathers but I have never seen it looking like this. I guess he wasn’t bothered by it  as he stayed to feed for a long time.


Laurel Wood said...

Great capture with your camera. I know he was grateful for the seed. Have a nice new week.

Dianna said...

The winds were quite strong here. We were forecast to have 75mph winds and I think this is one time that they got it right. It was a bit windy today but has died out now. Enjoying the quiet and calm!

What a wonderful picture! Your photography is so good. My husband recently bought a new camera and has been enjoying learning all about it.

Jeevan said...

I liked the great resistance of the bird against the strong wind! Good capture on both

Antique Acorn.....