Friday, March 22, 2019


Butterflies are prevalent when one walks into a store to buy a candle or stained glass design.  This one brightens our kitchen sink window.  It blends in with all the glass vases and a glass dove.


Karen said...

Beautiful! I like butterflies too. They remind me of new life in Christ.

Caroline Gill said...

What a cheery butterfly! I'm looking forward to seeing more of the fluttery ones now that we are officially in the spring season! Thank you, Larry, for your recent comment on my blog. We've had such a mix of weather - February was as good as summer, then we had Storm Gareth and now it's just cold and grey. But we have daffodils and tulips in the garden, so there's some welcome colour to enjoy!

CountryMum said...

It is quite beautiful!

Laurel Wood said...

I enjoy many butterfly collectibles. This one is especially pretty.

Warmer Weather.....