Saturday, April 6, 2019

Chipmunk on Stage.....

He isn’t a movie star.  He doesn’t like to pose for me when I take his photo.  They are nearsighted and most times he doesn’t know i am taking his picture. Usually when I first see him in the feeder I think he is a rat but I am so glad that he is not.

He is doing a great job of cleaning up the fallen seed on the concrete patio below the deck. I really have never seen them in the wild, so to speak, and usually saw them at rest areas where they were being fed by the travelers.  If I would buy him some peanuts in the shell, he would be harassing me at the window. Someday I will get a great picture of him but for now he just scurries and runs all of the time.


Betsy Brock said...

He's a cutie!

Karen said...

One day my son and I watched a chipmunk mother carrying her babies. They were so tiny and cute

Laurel Wood said...

He is cute; looks like racing stripes down his side. He will really entertain you.


 A shelf of wildfowl play statue as they are on display on my homemade shelf. The loon has stunning spots on it.