Thursday, August 15, 2019

Cattle Judging......

We stopped in to the pavilion and watched some of the cattle judging. It is a whole new social structure when everyone in the pool has brought their angus steer with them. I like the animal watching at the fair and I like the view of how the kids relate to their animals.  While taking a bus back to our car in the late afternoon  we smiled watching a trailer go by with three of these black cattle sticking there  nose out an opening on the trailer. The cattle’s day was done and so was ours.


Laurel Wood said...

A great photo and I can just picture those cows leaving the fair in the trailer. It's been a long time since I've been to the fair. Mostly, I always liked the food! lol

claude said...

Over here we can see animals at the Fair of the city LE MANS in september.
Have a nice day, Larry !

The Tank Thug.....

 I went to the aquarium part of a pet store yesterday to buy some more tropical fish. To my surprise the entire wall of aquariums were gone....